Aches Away & Energise Health Program

In the Aches Away & Energize Health Program 
for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue or Long COVID with Suzanne Chappell...

- We are masters of our own health.
- We can wake up with more energy, think clearly and move freely again, without pain.
- We help the 3 Root Causes of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue or Long COVID by doing a simple self-help technique daily.
- We now have the tools to take charge of our own health forever and don't have to rely on daily pain medications or endless treatments that don't usually last long for us anyway.
- We have less stress, and can feel normal again to enjoy the things we used to do.

Aches Away & Energize Health Program

For people with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

who are Tired of being Tired and in Pain

Program Goals:

  • Wake up with more energy in the morning and eliminate the need to sleep throughout the day

  • Reduce headaches and foggy head so you can think clearly again

  • Have less aches and pains so that you can move freely

  • Reduce anxiety, fear and stress so that you can relax and feel at peace

  • Participate in activities and be part of things again instead of watching on the side-lines 

  • Feel normal again so you enjoy doing the things you used to do

  • Learn tools to help you stay healthy in the future without having to rely on endless treatments

For full details of what is included in the Program Options, including a self help technique...

send me an email to (click this link:) with the words 'Google Doc' and I will send you the Google Doc with all the info, including options and prices

I have a partial refund policy (explained in the Google Doc).

Suzanne Chappell

Health Coach

  • Creator of the Aches Away & Energize Health Program™ 

  • Director of Personal Tuning for Fibromyalgia and Migraines Ltd

  • Director of Aches Away! Co Ltd Pain Clinic

  • Specialties:

  • Qualified Medical Herbalist & Massage Therapist  - 30 years experience

  • Trained in England 3 1/2 year full time course qualified 1991.

  • Trained in Colorado USA in Pain Neutralization Technique - 12 years experience 

  • Qualified Coach in Self Help Technique for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue & Long COVID - 6 years experience

  • Mindset Work - 30 years experience

  • Invested over $60,000 in training in Natural Health, mostly in the modalities I use in this Program

  • Suzanne has used these techniques successfully to help people with:

    • Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Migraines with aura, IBS,  and Sleeplessness. 

  • Has helped hundreds of private clients with their aches and pains.

Suzanne’s experience with chronic illness

  • By following the Aches Away & Energize Health Program, I no longer have:

  • pain in the roots of scalp hair, 

  • IBS, 

  • sensitivity to light and sound, 

  • Migraines with aura, 

  • skin sensitivity,

  • foggy head, concentration problems and memory problems 

  • tiredness,

  • oversensitivity to other people’s energy,

  • lower back pain,

  • neck pain and stiffness,

  • tinnitus,

  • dry eyes,

  • affected by stress easily,

  • trouble sleeping,

  • loneliness/feeling disconnected,

  • pressure on top of the head

  • vertigo

  • anxiety

  • and I have helped others overcome these symptoms too.

I (virtually) hold your hand through the 12 week Full program as we know a lot of our clients can be exhausted and can’t concentrate.

I make it really easy to do, not too much at once to do.

WINZ funding may be available.

Due to Insurance restrictions, I can work with people in Australia, NZ, UK, or Canada only who have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, M.E., or Long COVID...

Aches Away & Energize Health Program™ with Suzanne